So, I'm often asked to share my Chicken Lasagne Recipe. The reason I never write a blog about how to make certain meals is mostly because I'm terrible with measurements and details (which is the base of all my arguments with my husband lol).
As I cook, I add "a bitta" this and "a bitta" that!
With saying that, you can now imagine how this blog is going to go!?
That's right... BASIC!
Straight to the point, no long description on the history of lasagne or the calories in each portion or even whether my family enjoys it or not!
When I look up recipes, I always skim past all the chit chat (like this part) and go straight to the ingredients, and the method...
You Will Need:
-1 Onion
-2 garlic cloves
-1 carrot
-1 Courgette
-Tomato Puree/Pasatta ( a lot)
-Knorr veg or chicken stock
-Mild curry powder
-Paprika (optional)
-3 chicken breasts
-Hard Lasagne sheets (no pre cooking)
-Mozzarella shredded cheese
→Dice up your garlic and onions and panfry with olive oil.
→Dice up your carrots and courgettes nice and fine (I use a little blender to dice up my food so i can hide all the veggies from my son)
→Stir them in with your onions and garlic, add a cup of water, a generous tablespoon of mild curry powder and one or two Knorr chicken or veg stock pots.
→Add your Pasatta/Tomato Puree and a few cups of water to make sure its enough sauce to fill the lasagne tray. (better to make too much than too little!)
→Add anything else you like in the sauce, just like you would for a pasta sauce.
I add some spinach and basil, it really depends what you have in the fridge!
→Bring to boil and simmer.
For the Chicken:
→Dice up your chicken in small pieces, panfry with olive oil separately.
→Add salt, pepper, paprika and a little bit of curry powder.
Don't cook it all the way through. It can continue to cook later in the oven.
→Put chicken in a plate and put aside.
→Get you lasagne tray ready, use cooking paper if you have any, if not, no problemo.
→Drizzle olive oil on the pan, and put a ladle of the sauce at the bottom and mix it in so the lasagne sheets don't stick and they get cooked well.
→Lay your lasagne sheets down and then spread the chicken out...
→If you find your sauce is running low, just add water to your pot, you need enough sauce to be able to cover the whole lasagne tray.
→Sprinkle your cheese on top, I usually put extra, just to help it all stay together.
Add a sprinkle of basil on top, cover with foil.
→In the oven for 35 minutes 180 degrees Celsius.
→Remove from the oven, take off the foil.
→Put it back in the oven for 10 more minutes, top tray of the oven, without the foil.
→Remove from oven.
Let it cool down a little before you cut it into squares, it makes it much easier.
→Follow me on Instagram and Message me on @mummy_No_Tummy if you have any questions or share your ideas with me!
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